Thursday, March 29, 2007

En liten bilde oppdatering fra den sisste tida her. det er mulig det er mykje bilde av mine kvite vennar (sitat:mamma) men saken er jo at det er dei eg er sammen med når vi finner på kjekke ting!!! Det er berre sånn.
Har sendt inn nytt reisebrev på NIF sine heimesider for dei som er interessert:

Der står det litt meir om jobben min som idrettsfrivillig, viss det er det dåkke har lyst å vite om. :)

Og dåkke: ka med å legge igjen ei helsing i boka mi viss du er innom?!! DET ER JO SÅ KJEKKT!!! :)

Håper alle har det berre tipp topp,
Eg har det. *lena*

Independence Day- weekend in Namibia

21st Marc, the Independence-day in Namibia- land of the brave.
Big celebration of course, and those who could took a long-weekend from Wednesday to Monday. The schools were of, most people went travelling, and so did me and my friends… of course. J


My volunteers, the NAM-VIP put up a tournament for 250 kids and youths in the age of 14-18 years old. The winner of the Soccer- and netball-tournament are to go to Swakob the eastern-weekend to compete in a national sport festival put together by SCORE-NAMIBIA,
(The winner of the soccer-tournament in Swakob is to go to Norway in July, to participate in Norway Cup.) Please, those of you who have contact with someone I don’t have contact with.. like God or something… put in a good word for my team… I so want our boys to go to Norway!!!) J

Nurse Lena Lillestøl

Netball--- it's big my friends!

Camping in Mahango Game Park

I went camping over the long-weekend, with 8 of my volunteer-friends.
(most of them from VSO) WE had a wonderful weekend at Ngepi Camp in Mahango. Relaxing and nice, from A to Z.
The camp was so different than anything else I’ve seen.. I spent an hour walking around checking out the different bath-rooms and toilets at the camp. The most creative camp/lodge/backpacker I’ve ever been to.

I got up at 6:00 two days in a row to see the sunrise.. it was amazing. (Guess I have seen a sunrise before, but never sober like this…)

Mahango game-park is the only game-park in Namibia where you are allowd to actually leave the car. With animals wherever you were looking this is kind of exciting, especially since we were told there were a lion observed in the area the day before… J
HIPPO’s is the big thing. You rarely see them properly, and we were hippo-hunting for two days… The pics are my friends trying as best as they can to catch one… with the eye.. With no result. You could only here them, somewhere in the seed… Three weekends ago on the other hand, Jonatan and me ++ got a close look. THEY ARE SO BIG!! Have to admit I was sceptic for a sec…

I’m sorry for not being a nature-photographer… I just cant capture animals nicely. I suggest u check out Jonatan’s blogg for nice animal-pictures… I’m not patient enough to find out how you do it. But here you’ve got: a bird(!) and a zebras butt. ( I can’t believe I went birdwatching with my friends… ME: BIRDWATCHING. Believe it or not.

I’ll finish with a nature-picture only for you STIG. It doesn’t look much like Africa does it?? My friends: this is NOT Somalia. This is Namibia, Kavango Region, it’s like my friend Rose would have said it: GORGEOUS!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Snake at my gate.. no kidding

We had the longest snake in our garden 2 days ago..! Thank God or whoever that I wasn’t home at the moment… I would have… freaked out!!
Isak- my friend and neighbour shot it in the head, and of course scared the crap out of me when I came home!!! “can you please hand me that box” he said with his nicest voice, and kind as I am—I did. IIIIIK.. there was nothing in it, but a big big snake under it!! The boys had the laugh of the day…. And I guess so did I… 

Time is running in Rundu. 3 ½ month left, and then I’m finished. It’s crazy!!!
I’ll be back in Norway on the 2nd of July. Hornindal it is and for the first time in a long time I can’t wait to get to my little smallville in the middle of all the mountains!!! It’s a nice-nice place… remember that family and friends!!!! 

At the moment I’m applying for jobs for next year. It’s kind of scary.. but also very exciting.. Where am I next march?? I have NO idea..!!! hopefully close to my friends… hopefully close to Oslo… hopefully at a cool school, with cool learners. Hopefully somewhere I enjoy, hopefully somewhere I want to spend a few years. I kind of feel like settling down… find my self and get a real life. It’s on time isn’t it???!!!!

I hope everybody is fine. I’m thinking about you all the time.
Best regards Lena Lillestøl

THE snake

No more making fun when I tell you I’m sceptic with all these snakes around!!! This one is BIG my friends!!!