Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Iiiik.. Dagens Lena må være musejakt på rommet mitt!! Seriøs MUSEJAKT… Ruusa (min housemate) på en stol med en kost i kvar hand, og meg på alle fire på golvet med lommelykt og prøvde å tøffe meg som best eg berre kunne… DET var bare utenpå!!!

Klokka oo.oo i går holdt eg på å gå i drømmeland, da eg kjente nåke som rasla på puta mi. Vurderte seriøst å berre gi søren ”sikkert berre enda en bugg eller edderkopp” men eg sleit meg da opp, og fikk på lyset.. DET VAR EI MUS!!! PÅ PUTA MI!! EI MUS!!!
ÆSJ.. Grett at dei er på loftet, grett at dei bråkar og grett at dei lever.. men IKKJE i senga mi!!! 
Eg vekte Ruusa, og jakta var i gang… Tru det eller ei: etter 30min. med jakt på det lille rommet mitt var musa sporløst forsvunnet… vi vrengte av alle sengeklær, vi tok av madrassa, vi tippa senga, men musa var VEKK… Den hadde nok et lite bol inni(!) holrommet under senga mi, men det var umulig for oss å komme inn der… ”Den som hadde vært liten som ei mus…!”

Så da var det fram med myggnettingen… ikkje for å beskytte mot mygg, men for å beskytte mot mus……. Ken hadde trudd at det skulle skje??


HVA SKJER’A??? hihi.. That’s the most used saying between me and my small friends here in the location!! Whenever I walk to school, to town or to practice… I hear ”TINGELITINGELI” or ”HVASKJERA” all over… I LOVE IT! (Ingenting Tingeling is for the adcanced once… which are not many… The versions on the other hand Is MANY…tingelitingeli--- ingelitingeli--- tingelingeling)
(They boy on the picture did NOT say "Hva skjer'a...." He was crying his heart out because of me... :( Sirumbu... i was more or less TOO white for him to enjoy it...)

Life as a SCORE-VOLUNTEER in NAMIBIA is great!! I finally love it 100%!! I DID enjoy it before as well… but not as much as now. I have gotten in to things for real, my work is great, my plans are many and so are my projects. My main-project this year is something called NAM-VIP (Namibian Volunteer Involvement Program) where I train and administrate a bunch of out of school-youths in the community. This is community-volunteers helping me in my work, and the hope is for them eventually to stand on their own feet helping out with sport- projects around town! We’ve had two successful workshops the last month and more are coming.
Since school started it has been Athletic-season at the schools. Lot’s and lot’s of fun… They do it quite different from how I would have done it, but somehow it work, so I decided just to enjoy, help out where needed and rather contribute on the evaluation after the season… I got my new camera, and already have lots of pictures. It was drama in my head here for a while… I could kill for a camera at some of the events… but at least I have it in my head. Maybe it was good for me not to have a camera for a while..?!!

Stig: you were asking for pictures from the nature… Hmm.. what exactly would you like?? I mean… Nature? It’s all bushes and sand.. and of course the sunset.. I AM planning on taking photos of all the different houses and locations here… but I just haven’t felt comfortable yet, carrying and knipsing with my big fancy camera up there… I’ll find the guts soon-soon.
(My friend has some pictures from the day we went illegal to Angola.. I'll go get them later today... At least it showes some of the nature in Angola... :) )

THANK YOU ALL for all the kind words for my birthday… and the nice cards for X-Mas… Things takes time, and I’m still waiting for some… either someone is having a nice party between Norway and Namibia somewhere--or the presents will come… after a few months. Shame. BUT you can just imagine how happy I’ll be when they finally arrive… :)

My mom complained that my blogg was more filled with me and my white friends, than pics from the actual African life… I guess she’s right. I’ll try to post some pictures of something else this time. Mostly from my work as a volunteer, but also some others… Jonatans blogg is the place to go to see niiice pictures.. ( I’m still struggling to get to know my camera, and also to get people to behave normal when I take out my camera. I guess in his small community they are used now… here they are not. Whenever the camera is out… they get into their POSING-positions… yeah.

Hope you are all doing well… I miss my friends and my family a lot.. but now it’s only four more months to go, and the time will fly away.. I probably don’t want to leave when time is here…

I’ll be better keeping in touch, I just wish the day had more hours…All the best wishes from your friend in Namibia… LENA ♥

PS: I got a new postbox here in Rundu! A personal one.. (together with my house-mate) So you are of course free to send me some words from your life if you feel like it… J
New address:

Lena Kristin Lillestøl
co/Ruusa Iitulla (just in case)
PiBox 2208

JIPPI.. Lena har faatt kamera!! HER er et utdrag... fra livet som frivillig

Life as a SCORE-volunteer.... :)


Her er dei yngre ungdommane eg jobbar med..
"youth leads" kallar vi det, og eg laerer dei om life-skills og sport-skills... og tanken er at dei skal kunne bringe det videre til sine jamn-aldrende...
Eit av dei kjekkaste prosjekta eg har her faktisk!! Suuupre ungdommar...

Carlos fant BESTE gjommeplassen paa "boksen gaar" .. eller "kick the bottle" som han kalte det.
Eg fikk d ei til aa introdusere kvar sin leik forrige gang.. det var topp! Masse arti som eg kan ta med heim til sommeren....


Min kompis Bonnie, viser kor det skal gjerast....