Wednesday, February 28, 2007


HVA SKJER’A??? hihi.. That’s the most used saying between me and my small friends here in the location!! Whenever I walk to school, to town or to practice… I hear ”TINGELITINGELI” or ”HVASKJERA” all over… I LOVE IT! (Ingenting Tingeling is for the adcanced once… which are not many… The versions on the other hand Is MANY…tingelitingeli--- ingelitingeli--- tingelingeling)
(They boy on the picture did NOT say "Hva skjer'a...." He was crying his heart out because of me... :( Sirumbu... i was more or less TOO white for him to enjoy it...)

Life as a SCORE-VOLUNTEER in NAMIBIA is great!! I finally love it 100%!! I DID enjoy it before as well… but not as much as now. I have gotten in to things for real, my work is great, my plans are many and so are my projects. My main-project this year is something called NAM-VIP (Namibian Volunteer Involvement Program) where I train and administrate a bunch of out of school-youths in the community. This is community-volunteers helping me in my work, and the hope is for them eventually to stand on their own feet helping out with sport- projects around town! We’ve had two successful workshops the last month and more are coming.
Since school started it has been Athletic-season at the schools. Lot’s and lot’s of fun… They do it quite different from how I would have done it, but somehow it work, so I decided just to enjoy, help out where needed and rather contribute on the evaluation after the season… I got my new camera, and already have lots of pictures. It was drama in my head here for a while… I could kill for a camera at some of the events… but at least I have it in my head. Maybe it was good for me not to have a camera for a while..?!!

Stig: you were asking for pictures from the nature… Hmm.. what exactly would you like?? I mean… Nature? It’s all bushes and sand.. and of course the sunset.. I AM planning on taking photos of all the different houses and locations here… but I just haven’t felt comfortable yet, carrying and knipsing with my big fancy camera up there… I’ll find the guts soon-soon.
(My friend has some pictures from the day we went illegal to Angola.. I'll go get them later today... At least it showes some of the nature in Angola... :) )

THANK YOU ALL for all the kind words for my birthday… and the nice cards for X-Mas… Things takes time, and I’m still waiting for some… either someone is having a nice party between Norway and Namibia somewhere--or the presents will come… after a few months. Shame. BUT you can just imagine how happy I’ll be when they finally arrive… :)

My mom complained that my blogg was more filled with me and my white friends, than pics from the actual African life… I guess she’s right. I’ll try to post some pictures of something else this time. Mostly from my work as a volunteer, but also some others… Jonatans blogg is the place to go to see niiice pictures.. ( I’m still struggling to get to know my camera, and also to get people to behave normal when I take out my camera. I guess in his small community they are used now… here they are not. Whenever the camera is out… they get into their POSING-positions… yeah.

Hope you are all doing well… I miss my friends and my family a lot.. but now it’s only four more months to go, and the time will fly away.. I probably don’t want to leave when time is here…

I’ll be better keeping in touch, I just wish the day had more hours…All the best wishes from your friend in Namibia… LENA ♥

PS: I got a new postbox here in Rundu! A personal one.. (together with my house-mate) So you are of course free to send me some words from your life if you feel like it… J
New address:

Lena Kristin Lillestøl
co/Ruusa Iitulla (just in case)
PiBox 2208

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