Adressa mi er fremdeles:
Lena Kristin Lillestøl
c/o Ruusa Iitula
PIBAG 2081
NAMIBIA(AFRIKA, var det en postmann som har skreve på et av breva eg fikk....)
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Morten- my friend from Norway came a week ago! (we took PE at the teacher-college together, and he’s just a friend… ) It’s great to have somebody from home coming.. Nice to show him around and nice to have somebody to talk norvegian to!! The week have been different… The schools have started their exams, so now the kids are busy. We had two trips to the schoolyard for after-school sport, whereby NOBODY showed up..That’s just how it goes this time of year… but we’ll try again.. and again.
Friday afternoon we went for ETOSHA- the biggest national-park in Namibia. We went to see the animals and also to enjoy ourself with my friends Jonatan and Fransiena. We had a great weekend!
Morten became quite sceptic when he realised how you travel in Namibia. We were waiting for almost two hours at the gas-station before we got a ride—A bucky whereby we were placed in the back. Luckily there were a mattress, so it wasn’t as painful as it could have been! When we arrived Etosha after 5,5h we decided to go for the free accommodation Jonatan had arranged for us. Again: Morten Sceptic! (He’s used to a travelling-budget far bigger then a regular backpacker would have had… read. Accommodation which includes good beds, taxibills far over the normal, eating out every night etc.) All we had was our sleeping-bags, Morten one of those thin-thin ones.. and we had to sleep at a classroom-floor!! A cement one.. Quite funny, at least I got a pillow from one of the girls - so I slept like… not an angel- but good.. Morten on the other hand… had a hard- but ok night. (The second night we rented rooms at the lodge…!!)
Anyway. Etosha = Animals!I finally saw my Elephants, my giraffes, my lions, my zebras, my springboks and so on… It was a great time. Maybe we didn’t see as many animals as we expected, BUT we saw 12(!) lions and as long as I got my elephant everything is fine! J Trust me: to see an elephant close by like this is different from those dirty, old, abused elephants you find in a circus!!! Amazing how big they are… and amazing how bad skin they have.. Some moisturizing lotion wouldn’t be a bad suggestion for these poor fellows…!
After 5hours in the park- we were satisfied and decided to ENJOY the rest of the day by the pool!! And all of you know: Sun, Blue Sky, Good Friends, Pool and Beer = PERFECT. And this time was not an exception… J I’ll try to put out pictures that can tell more than my poor words.
Last weekend me and my friends (Jonatan, Terje, Sara and Raviv) decided to spend in Swakobmund- a German city placed at the westcoast of Namibia. Except from Desert on the right, Ocean on the left, it was like coming home for four days, weird-but nice. Anyways. Swakob is the tourist-capital of Namibia. This is where you can do all those things you have been dreaming of doing for a long time. For me- this was the place where I could go SKYDIVING for the first time. FINALLY!!! J I’ve been dreaming of doing it for.. ever. And now I had the chance. I was so eager, and I surprised myself by not being nervous AT ALL. I enjoyed every minute of it, and I’m pretty sure it must be like being on drugs! I JUST WANT TO DO IT AGAIN,.. AND AGAIN.
But this was not the only fun we had. J We also went SANDBOARDING and QUADBIKING in the desert. Both: A BLAST! Party is also a MUST in Swakob- and I had the hang-over of my life in the middle of the desert! Actually had to extend my stay with one day… because when the others had a great time Saturday, I was sleeping on the dunes- not able to move. SHAME. Anyways- I just extended my stay, and did all the fun things on Sunday instead- after my friends went home..!!
Sandboarding was quite much like snowboarding, but not as cold and not as hard. I saw my friends doing the jumps on Saturday, so when I tried- I couldn’t be any worse! It was great fun… and I actually got an offer from the guys running the whole thing, to come back next weekend to compete in the yearly sandboarding-contest they have in Swakob. They wanted me to run for their team, thought it could be good promotion for their club to have a crazy norvegian GIRL on their team! They wanted to pay both my trip and my accomandation, which actually is a great offer! BUT… I guess I’m to proud of making such a fool of myself, I don’t feel confedent in participating in any contest, after sandboarding one time… so I think I’ll just stay here… J
Quadbiking was also GREAT fun. The weather was nice and the dunes amazing. We were divided into groups. Fast, middle and slow- and of course I had to try the fast-guys, and trust me: We were riding the bikes FAST, I had serious trouble keeping up with those guys. … hehe. But I’m still alive and I had a great time- so then it’s all good.
After staying in Swakob for the weekend, I went to Windhoek to fetch my friend Morten- who came from Tanzania to visit. He’ll stay here for 10 days, and I hope we can do some fun things. I guess I have to do some work in between to, but that’s fine. The schools have started their exams now, so the rest of their lifes have kind of stopped. But we’ll find something to do! I’m working on an event for the World Aids Day the 2nd of December at the moment. An event I hope and think is going to be a success… as long as the participants shows up!! (I’ve promised them something to drink and eat--- so I guess they will)
That’s it for now. I just HAD to put out the Skydiving Pictures.. I’m so proud and glad that I finally did it. And I just have to say: YOU HAVE TO TRY!! You’ll have the time of your life.. SERIOUS. It can’t be any better than this!!!
Love Lena.